Tuesday, October 4, 2011


About 48 hours after I had given Royce & Isaac haircuts I saw this spot on Isaac's head. 
It wasn't from me.  I'm not a professional, but I don't do THAT. 
It was clear that Miss Chloe had gotten hold of the scissors while we weren't watching. 
We questioned her, she denied the whole thing, so of course she got in trouble and finally admitted it. 
We really didn't get too worked up over it.  We had told her that if she'd tell the truth she wouldn't be in as much trouble.  But she didn't confess during that time. 
Her punishment wasn't too bad...going to bed 10 minutes before Isaac for five nights. 
She's a thinker so I knew it would aggravate her. 

And after a night of punishment, all of the talk about scissors being dangerous close to skin
we found this under the craft table....
Chloe's hair. 
She had cut her own hair, too. 
Little stinker.
I did finally get her to confess and she claims she just wanted her hair to be shorter.  I said we'd leave that up to Gram!  Gram cuts our hair. 

I remember Robynn cutting my hair when we were little living in Denver.  We were at our babysitter's house (Brenda).  I remember her doing it.  She used animal-shaped safety scissors. 
Why would Robynn cut her own hair when she had a little sister's hair to cut?
I have a feeling Chloe feels the same way about having a little brother. 

What are the chances that this is the last round of kid-given haircuts for us?
Probably not good.

1 comment:

  1. Anna didn't cut her hair that I know of until she got gum in her hair. She knew I would have to cut it out so got a jump start and did it herself. Then required a professional cut by my sister. Sara's girls have cut their own hair more than once. Ella did quite a number on her hair.
