Tuesday, April 21, 2015

End of March Adventures

While digging through Robyn and I's First Communion dresses at Mom's house, Chloe wanted to look at my wedding dress.  I got it out and made her try it on!  Kind of fun :-)
(the veil on the right is from First Communion, not my wedding)
There was no pinching this little lady Amelia on St. Patrick's Day!
Chloe was reunited with her summer boyfriend for 3 days at the end of spring break.  We took a mini vacation to Hutchinson and she got to ride three days in a row, work on her patterns, and ride in the first show of the season at Lyons.  Goble sure is good to her! 

While in Hutch we visited the Cosmosphere.  A lot of it was too advanced for the kids to understand but it was still a lot of fun for everyone.  Dr. Goddard's Lab was a hit!
Chloe earned four 4th place finishes in several events.  This time last year she hardly knew any patterns and was being led through each event.  This year she is breezing through them and gradually trusting Goble more and more each time.   
Amelia (shown) and Caroline had dental checkups.  These went much better than the first and instead of just letting the hygienist clean their teeth they actually let Dr. Lowe check them too! 
At the end of March Chloe got to give her 4-H demonstration speech at Regionals in Hill City.  We are so proud of her for this accomplishment.  She won Ellis County with her Pistachio Shell Flower craft and gave the speech again at regionals earning herself a blue ribbon.  She was by far the youngest presenter in the field of 8-13 year olds and the judge was impressed with her abilities at her age.  We knew her ability to talk would do her good someday!  Ha! 

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