Thursday, December 20, 2012

Our "Three King"

Isaac's preschool puts on an annual Nativity program for family to watch.  In preparing for the program they got assigned parts for the big day.  I already knew what Isaac was going to be, but I asked him:
Me:  "Isaac, what are you going to be in your Christmas program?"
Isaac:  "A Three King"
Me:  "A what?  A king?"
Isaac:  "Yep, a Three King.  With the purple present--for K-State!"
Me:  "Oh, ONE of the THREE Kings."
Isaac:  "Ya, that's what I said."
So here are some pictures of our Three King in action.
It was a beautiful Christmas program!
Peeking around the corner before going on stage.
Walking on 
Walking away after laying his present under the manger 
Catching my eye down front--I got a big smile! 
Mary's having a baby "Oh Boy!" 
Grandpa Purinton and Gram came to watch Isaac's show! 
Our King! 

So handsome.
Buddy, you did an excellent job and we are so proud
of you for going in front of everyone and preforming.
You are amazing! 

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