Thursday, December 20, 2012

First snow!

The neighbor kids came over to play in the snow this morning.
I forsee some serious snow ball fights across Hall Street in the years to come with these kids.
It's so much fun having neighborhood friends!
Everybody tackle Jace!

Amelia initially wanted to go outside in a onesie and stocking hat.
I convinced her that more clothes were a good idea.
The girls did pretty well out in the snow.   

Isaac and Jace - ready to fire!
And this is what gets left for the parents when the kids are done.
A wet floor and LOTS of wet clothes. 

Caroline had some opposing opinions about eating her carrots.
She decided to eat her pasta and then put her socks and shoes in/on her plate when she was finished.
Such a silly girl.  She is so expressive.

Ready to go in our Christmas shirts!

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