Wednesday, April 27, 2011

31 week photo

I'm really not one for showing off belly pictures. But I've got belly pictures with both Chloe and Isaac so I thought I would add another to the collection. I'll try to get another one towards the end of the pregnancy so the twins can see how huge they made me but this will do for now.

I still feel really great. I've only gained 27 lbs so far which for me and one baby is doing good not to mention that there are two kiddos this time. Unless something drastic happens between now and delivery I shouldn't exceed the weight gain I had for Isaac so that would be great. The belly definitely gets front heavy, which sounds silly to say, but since there are two little bodies in there it really does carry differently. But again, I feel good and am happy with my health. Close friends even say they wouldn't be able to tell I was pregnant from the back...not sure if they feel sorry for me and are lying or if it's really true, haha!

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