Thursday, February 7, 2013

Fun Times

My college friend Schyler Thomas came through town and joined us for supper.  He and I worked together my sophomore year at K-State at Hale Library.  Schyler was a freshman walk-on basketball player and we had SO much fun working together.  Always a laugh, and most likely food as well.  Schyler is someone I will always enjoy getting caught up with. 
He was so good playing with the kids.  Isaac had his K-State basketball outfit on HOURS before Schyler's arrival.  So a game of hoops was first on the list after we finished eating. 

Amelia and Caroline serenaded us from Chloe's stage.   
February 2, 2013
Royce turns 3 3 ! ! ! 
Potty training.
Yes, we are potty training the girls.  They started having interest between 16 and 17 months which was much earlier than I had planned.  We took it for what we could and saved a few diapers a week. 
But now Caroline especially wants to wear big-girl panties at home and she does fantastic at letting us know when she needs to go.  Amelia is a little further behind but that's okay.  She will go when I take her and lets us know every now and again. 
Here is Caroline changing her baby's diaper.  It was cute how she had everything she needed! 

This was Amelia a couple months ago.  So cute :)
Potty rocker! 

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