Friday, June 10, 2011

Home. Sweet. Home.

We are home! June 10, 2011.
Thirteen days of the NICU. Ten days of driving back and forth every three hours for feedings.
Home sweet home.
No cords, no monitors, no tubes.
Just us.
Very blessed.
Amelia on left, Caroline on right.

Amelia's birth weight: 4 lb 9 oz. Discharge weight: 4 lb 12 oz.

Caroline's birth weight: 5 lb 7 oz. Discharge weight 5 lb 9 oz.

Here are a few more pictures from when we were in the hospital.

The following two pictures are of Caroline. The same day she had the velcro circles on her head to hold her light-therapy sunglasses on she also had snaps put on for her hearing test. She had tape, snaps, and velcro--we could have fastened her to about anything!

You can see how well she liked it.

These pictures are of their little flower butts.
Doesn't get much cuter than preemie flower butts.
How on earth were both of these babies in my body?!?!?

1 comment:

  1. I laugh every time I see that first pic, you dressed for summer and Royce looks like it's cold out. Love the flower bottoms! So cute!
