Saturday, May 28, 2011
We started out the day getting geared up for Memorial weekend. The Purinton family was having a lunch gathering on Saturday and the Pfannenstiel family reunion was scheduled for Sunday. We woke up, loaded up the car, and headed to WaKeeney to start our weekend. The Purinton lunch was fantastic, great food--which I ate a lot of, and great family. Everyone left Wayne & Sandy's house around 2:00. By 2:30 Isaac was ready for a nap and I was too. I had a full tummy & hadn't been sleeping well for a couple weeks at this time.
So Isaac and I laid down for a nap together at 2:30. It didn't take either of us long to fall asleep and then suddenly I felt the 'pop'. 2:45pm. My eyes shot open, I had to think if I had dreamt the pop or if it actually happened, and then the proof was there. I ran and jumped into the bathtub not knowing how big of a mess I was going to make. Upon realizing that I was the only one in the house other than sleeping Isaac I had to start yelling for Royce. Luckily Sandy had her windows open in the house and they were able to hear me on the front porch. Royce was on the phone, annoyed that I was yelling for him, until I told him that my water broke. He was on the phone with Ron getting ready to go golfing! Change of plans, honey!
Everyone stayed calm, I wrapped a towel around me, and we each grabbed our bathroom bags and got in Sandy's car to drive back to Hays. Chloe and Grandma kept working in flower beds and Isaac stayed asleep. Wayne & Sandy had carseats in our truck to bring the kids and dogs home later in the day. For a spontaneous labor things really couldn't have worked out any more smoothly. Robynn ran by our house to grab our hospital bag and video camera. She met us at the front door as we were arriving.
We arrived at the hospital at 3:25pm. I was dilated to 5 cm! My doctor was the one on call and he arrived quickly. As we knew it was going to be a C-Section there really wasn't much to wait on. I walked into the operating room and began my epidural right away. Boy was I ready for it at that time! I think if we wouldn't have known about the c-section it would have been a very quick labor & delivery under normal circumstances.
And they're here!
Amelia Ann
4 lb 9 oz 17.25"
Caroline Renee
5 lb 7 oz 18"
Once both girls were delivered the empty void in my stomach (along with the HUGE lunch I had eaten) was too much to bear. The kind nurse held up the itty-bitty basin for me to allow my lunch to leave my body and I really needed something much larger with a backsplash with all I had to give! The sheet in front of me along with my whole arm were covered. Hey--puking while laying flat on your back isn't the easiest thing. Oh well, it was bound to happen.
The operation went really well. The team was absolutely awesome. I had a great nurse, the OR nurse had left his kids' birthday party to be called in, and the anesthesiologist was super. They were full of humor and I was too. They even changed my gown so I wouldn't have to have pictures taken with lunch on my arm :) I couldn't have asked for a better experience *under given circumstances* to have these babies. And according to the anesthesiologist my uterus was "gigantic". I believe him. The void in my stomach post-surgery was way more painful this time than after Isaac's operation. I suppose it had to do with 10 lbs of baby missing!
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