Sunday, September 7, 2014

Summer shenanigans

One evening Chloe hosted a 'carnival' in her room.  It was complete with arm bands, Frisbee toss, horse rides, ball toss, variety show, and prizes.  It was quite the show!  She is such a party planner!
Before school started the kids and I went to my grandmother's house to learn her version of canning pickles.  I don't know of a Pfannenstiel being who doesn't love Grandma's pickles. 
They are the best. 
She doesn't trust herself canning anymore as she doesn't want to lift the jar out of the boiling water.  I can't blame her -- it's intimidating!  But I was thrilled when she offered to teach me. 
I video taped her lesson, took notes, and did everything I could to learn 'grandma's' way. 
Even though I'm sure mine will never taste the same.

This tool was used by my great-grandmother. 
Grandma thought her mom was probably using it 80-90 years ago. 

Don't you love recipes from this generation when they just say,
"Add garlic"
"Add mustard seed"
I wrote my own version and made grandma measure her additions!
Once the pickles were made it was time to go outside.  Grandma had scraps for the kittens, along with their daily soft food while they are young.  Grandma said we had to be quiet, and I was in shock when my four loud-mouths sad completely silent while their Great-Grandma called the kitties.

Ringing the doorbell at Gram's! 
Helping mom wash the car!

They had bubbles up to their armpits!

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