Saturday, December 19, 2009

Snow pictures

Last week we had over a foot of snow. Chloe loved it, loved it, loved it. She usually gets frustrated if she falls during playing, etc. but she couldn't get enough of making snow angels, standing in the deepest drifts, and sledding. The sledding pictures from the farm are all on Grandpa's camera but maybe we'll get them posted over Christmas.

Isaac was sniffly with a runny nose for a few days so he didn't get to play much. He didn't have the desire like Chloe did though so it was okay. We stayed inside and drank hot cocoa and he ate the marshmallows:)

Ready to go!
Chloe has outgrown her pink snow pants so these were the ones that came with Isaac's coat. They were plenty big for her. But...that meant when Isaac went in the snow he had to wear the pink ones. Poor kid!

Chloe swimming in the snow.

The snow was so powdery it wouldn't pack at all. Chloe wanted a snowman really badly so they did the best they could. I think the carrot and two lava rocks are still on my porch....

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